
Showing posts from January, 2014

Dimensions Lost

click on a rhombus to embiggen This eponymous ink painting has been inspired by M .C. Escher, the Dutch graphic artist, and his exploration of symmetries, tessellations and impossible constructions and is in part a tribute to him.  ---------------------- Black India Ink on ivory paper

Shifting Sights & Sounds - An Animation Study

I love stories and the process of story telling! My most favorite medium of storytelling is animation mostly because, you incorporate all the other forms of art to simulate an imaginarium so intricate and controlled by the artists' eye view, while at the same time sparking genesis of a room for more imagination in that world the artist has just ideated ! It is, thus, chiefly for this reason I respect animated movies more than the best live-action production there is to see, not only out of respect for the work put in, but the very beauty of that hard-work and the subsequent opus!  Above is my first attempt at animation, and below my second. Being a self taught artist, I thought it'd be easy to be a self taught animator, turns out it is nowhere close to trivial, but is tough and frustrating! First Attempt: The Evolution Sequence... This was part of a larger video (which I edited out because if it's insignificance) and this sequence was the first scene in that v...